Bike Path

The Bike Path Endowment Campaign was launched in 2007 by the GICIA. The $5 million endowment was designed to provide income that, when added to the income received from the GICIA Annual Fund, would place the GICIA on a solid financial base for the future.
The GICIA developed a Master Landscape Plan in the spring of 2008, working with landscape and conservation professionals to improve the appearance of the path and retain its open, natural look and minimize maintenance. The landscape plan called for increasing the number of trees along the Bike Path by 48%. Thousands of shrubs and grasses were also incorporated into the existing vegetation.
The installation began in the spring of 2010 and completed in September. This would not have been possible without the generous support of all GICIA members and in particular, the Bike Path Endowment contributors.
The GICIA has maintained and enhanced the gift over the years with restoration and responsible stewardship that includes landscape maintenance, safety patrol, signage, trash removal, and ongoing path upkeep, all of which costs approximately $150,000 per year to maintain. The Endowment will cover these expenses into perpetuity.
The Bike Path is widely recognized as one of the most important amenities on the Island. Boca Grande would be a very different place without this five-mile stretch of beautiful land which benefits the entire community.
From 1907 to 1979, this gateway to our community was the site of the Charlotte Harbor & Northern Railroad. In 1983, the Bayard and Hugh Sharp families exchanged property for the CSX Railroad track bed running from the north end of the island to First Street. Their vision was to create a path for walkers, joggers, bikers and golf cart users while preserving this land for the pleasure of Boca Grande resident and visitors. They contributed this land to the GICIA along with funds for its initial maintenance.
The Bike Path has become one of Boca Grande’s most important features to both resident and visitors alike. It is one of the many attributes that make our island special. Spanning 5-miles in length and averaging 75-feet in width, the Bike Path encompasses 35-acres and is home to a wide variety of plants, animals, and birds. Every day residents and guests use the Bike Path to exercise or move about our island in this natural setting.

• No gas-powered vehicles.
• No motorized vehicles: except electric golf carts< 50 inches wide, bicycles & wheelchairs.
• No speeds above 15 miles per hour.
• No cart drivers under the age of 18 without a learner’s permit or driver’s license.
• No tires on the shell path – Pedestrians only.
• Obey the posted rules.
• Carts and bicycles must yield to pedestrians.
• Warn “on your left” when passing.
• Always be aware, kind, and courteous.
The Lee County Sheriff’s Department enforces these rules. This path is privately owned and maintained by the GICIA.
• Please be courteous to other users of the path and slow down for walkers (or anyone moving slower than you).
• Do not take up a car spot with your cart. Instead, use one of the conveniently and centrally located golf cart parking spaces along the path.